Are you serverless?

Serverless is a new approach to sourcing server resources. It allows you to buy and use your resource capacity in response to real-time demand. In fact, everything digital needs servers. In the end, digital is physical! Yeahh! So, of course, Serverless does not mean there are no servers! It just means that your company doesn’t have to worry about them. The work is done by giant service providers like Google, Amazon, Microsoft, etc. What is more, when I talk about serverless, I really refer to FaaS and not PaaS, which could also be included under a broad definition of the serverless concept, but is more often put under the “cloud” umbrella.

Imagine cloud servers where you are storing many selfies. You can easily agree with the fact that you are not maintaining your own dedicated servers. Instead, you are purchasing a certain capacity and capabilities ahead of time.

Now with serverless architecture, you purchase and equip your server usage in real-time. You are only paying for what you exactly need and what you are using. 

Cloud servers = renting a car. Serverless = ordering an Uber

What is the hype all about? Two main advantages: Your development is faster. Its cost you less 💸💸💸. Why? Because you are not reinventing the wheel about servers and benefiting from hours of development coming from best engineers around the world resulting in great services. You pay to only ride the car. You don't need to build it. You solve your problems through a great serverless service and that's it. Fortunately, days are gone where you build and maintain your own servers in-house. Nowadays, you can request and access on-demand computing power with great granularity at low cost.

Marco Domeniconi

Services : ICT, Contenu, Marketing, Stratégie, Branding, Outreach, eCommerce

Développement de produits et services

Architecture et développement des systèmes d’information

Production de contenus

Stratégies et actions marketing


Développement des audiences et canaux de communication

Ventes et eCommerce

Aux USA, un grand nombre de jeunes suppriment l'app Facebook


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